Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Hollowed Out. Derelict and damaged heritage road

TWO BAD MICE: the food was made of plaster and was inedible

City of NOTO. Eastern Sicily. Flowered streets

NOTO Sicily. Here is the local authority official order form for the type and quantity of flowers required for the 2017 INFIORATA; carnations and chrysanthemums appear as the options. Note the colours available, including "creamy yellow" and "light rose". Little Underbank would offer photography places on St Petersgate Bridge and along the length of the street with a gigantic circle at White Lion roundabout.
NOTO Sicily. The completed INFIORATA or Street Dressing. The opportunities for economic revival are endless and extensive. Local hotels are filled, town restaurants benefit, postcards, posters and videos sold. And the cultural memory persists for the full year with themed cafes selling flower cakes and  other related merchandise. The branding of these cartouches is essential to the sponsorship of the event.
In the foreground it is easy to see the lead frame with The City of Noto; CITTA DI NOTO clearly labelled.
Once the Flower Dressing of Little Underbank has finished the flowers on St Petersgate Bridge will continue to bloom......

and the Bridge could even be dressed to display hanging baskets or other garlands. Here is a detail from the Stockport Coat of Arms 1868 that assumes the borough has at least at colourful thistle and rose in its imagery.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Traffic solutions for access to heritage town from dual carriageway ring road

Entry into heritage district or "old town" of Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy. The road markings suddenly disappear: no double yellow lines, no driver signage disrupting the view. The driver hears the sound of the cobbled rough stone surface through the response of the vehicle tyres and the transition from speed to caution is complete.
A calmer approach is therefore essential.  Benches indicate the new priority; pedestrian safety and pedestrian dominant. Reggio Emilia leads in child education and child psychology, so safety is identified as the key to the economic success of the town. RE is 95% business rental occupied in the ancient centre.

Entry into heritage district or "old town" of Reggio Emilia, near Modena in Northern Italy. A series of wide concrete "couch" seats are set at different distances from the carriageway. These prevent motorists from predicting their position. No warning painted edges so the risk is entirely with the driver. Automatic speed reduction to prevent damage to bodywork. No possibility of quick stop parking as this would block the (one way) street

Road flanking seats in place of pavements place responsibility for speed and steering on the motorist. Pedestrian sits protected within the pavement footprint. Cars are one directional, but public transport can exit at this junction
This Mercedes bus transport is considered to be adequate in capacity for the volume of commuters and shoppers who make use of this regular service into the centre of the City of Reggio Emilia. Large delivery white van scale. This vehicle is shown passing one of the fixed concrete "couch" benches as it leaves the town. Note the lack of street markings and traffic signage.